Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Allergies, Illness and Immunity

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

There is a connection for keeping both illness and allergies from invading our bodies. Strengthening, tonifying and balancing the immune system using acupuncture points and meridians can do wonders for not getting ill, including our reaction to allergens. This includes New Mexican pollens such as juniper, the main complaint in the spring. At the seasonal time of this blog, we are at a crossroad for succumbing to both illness and allergy.
“Allergic Rhinitis” ( hay fever) is an over reactivity of the immune system where nasal mucosa becomes swollen and obstructs drainage from sinuses, just as it does with a cold, sinusitis and some forms of flu. When the immune system is weak or imbalanced it acts inappropriately to germs and pollen and the body is in disharmony. We can do something about this!! Acutonics® treats many acupuncture points with vibrational healing, traveling deep into those points, and brings the body back into harmony. The immune system is strong again and able to keep the invaders away.
You don’t have to suffer!

Treating Kids with Sound Healing

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Last week I gave acutonics treatments to 3 year old twin boys. It is so delightful how receptive children are to sound healing! They love the color of the tuning forks and listening to the different intervals. Their bodies are very sensitive to absorbing the healing sound vibrations making acutonics especially effective for them.

They get the benefits of stimulating acupuncture points without needles! And the benefits are many. The children today are over-exposed to the stimulation of the fast-paced world of electronics. No wonder there are so many problems with ADD, excitation, depression, aggression and hyperactivity, to name a few.

Acutonics helps them become more calm, centered, and focused . . . which is greatly needed in children’s lives today.